History of religion

Vez svjetla (razmatranja i slike)

Vez svjetla (razmatranja i slike)

Chiara Lubich

The book contains reflections and images that are deeply connected to spirituality and faith.

Novi svijet, 1996.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Vukovarski franjevci u Domovinskom ratu : ratne i uzničke zabilježbe

Vukovarski franjevci u Domovinskom ratu : ratne i uzničke zabilježbe

Branimir Kosec

The defense of Vukovar against the invaders, soldiers of the so-called Yugoslav People's Army and Serbian Chetniks, in the autumn months of 1991.

Hrvatska franjevačka provincija sv. Ćirila i Metoda, 1997.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Zabrana školskog vjeronauka u doba komunizma

Zabrana školskog vjeronauka u doba komunizma

Marin Srakić
Katehetski salezijanski centar, 2000.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Začeci židovstva

Začeci židovstva

Celestin Tomić

This is the eighth book from the author's History of Salvation series, in which he deals with the Old Testament history of the chosen people.

Provincijalat hrvatskih franjevaca konventualaca, 1988.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Zlatna grana: proučavanje magije i religije

Zlatna grana: proučavanje magije i religije

James G. Frazer

In The Golden Bough, Frazer examines a multitude of myths and folktales from the most diverse cultures and times and points out the striking similarities between them. Among his subjects are magic and sorcery, the nature of the soul and religion, great li

BIGZ, 1977.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
The book consists of two volumes
Zvijezde koje ne zalaze - Dvadeset velikana Crkve

Zvijezde koje ne zalaze - Dvadeset velikana Crkve

Yves (Ivon Ćuk) Ivonides

The author compares the greats of the church's past with stars.

Hrvatsko književno društvo Sv. Jeronima, 2002.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.