Political-historical essays
110 People Who Are Screwing Up America (and Al Franken Is #37)
New York Times bestselling author Bias brings another bombshell - this time aimed at... The 100 People Who Screwed Up America
Baršunasti snovi: Vaclav Havel od disidenta do prezidenta
Četiri dana: povijest evropske krize 1938.
A symposium of leading journalists from major European capitals and the United States about what they felt and saw during those September days, after weeks of tension, when world peace was at stake.
Danton i Marat: izbor govora i članaka
Great people and their works
Dvor Luja XIV
Memoirs. The work of the French soldier, diplomat, writer... Louis de Rouvroy de Saint-Simon about life at the French court during the time of the most famous French ruler, Louis XIV.
Hrvati i njihov seljački pokret
"Croats and their peasant movement", by Petra Jr. Preradović, is a historical-political study that analyzes the history of peasant movements in Croatia and their significance in the social and political development of the country.
Hrvatska borba za opstojnost 1918.-1998.
The book contains an account of the history of Croatia from 1918 to 1998 in four historical periods (1918-1941; 1941-1945, 1945-1990 and 1990-1998).
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