Exhibition & Catalogues
Paulus Antonius Senser (1716.-1758.) : prvi barokni slikar u Osijeku
Monograph about the first Baroque painter from Osijek, who also worked successfully in Pécs at the same time.
Galerija likovnih umjetnosti, 2008.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
6.42 - 6.44 €
Pavica Papa rođ Mifka - Trag u vremenu
Turistička zajednica grada Bakra, 2012.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
0.98 €
Persona. Artisti della Jugoslavia
Exhibition catalogue, Venice, Ex Granai della Repubblica alle Zitelle, April 25 - June 9, 1991. Artists: Oskar Herman, Petar Dobrović, Gabrijel Stupica, Đuro Seder, Vladimir Veličković, Metka Krašovec, Ksenija Marić, Marija Ujević.
Ikona Gallery, 1991.
Italian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
32.46 €
Peti memorijal Ive Kerdića
Galerija likovnih umjetnosti, 1993.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
10.22 €
Portreti XVIII stoljeća iz fundusa galerije likovnih umjetnosti, Osijek
Galerija likovnih umjetnosti, 1986.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
4.89 €
Prapovijest: Vodič kroz stalni postav
Prehistory is the period that includes the development of man from his creation to the appearance of written sources.
Arheološki muzej, 2011.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
4.98 €
Pro sancto Quirino e.s. – confessio fidei
On the occasion of the 1700th anniversary of the death of the early Christian bishop and martyr St. Quirinus, patron of the city of Sisak.
Gradski muzej Sisak, 2004.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
3.50 €
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