Rome and Vatican

Rome and Vatican

Loretta Santini

A practical and artistic city guide with a large map.

Rome (Italian and Latin Roma) is the capital of Italy and the Latium region and the largest and most populous municipality in the country. The city has about 2.6 million inhabitants (2011 population census).

The city's nicknames are: Caput mundi ("The Capital of the World"), la Città Eterna ("The Eternal City"), Limen Apostolorum ("The Apostle's Threshold"), la città dei sette colli ("The City of Seven Hills") or simply l'Urbe ("City").

Within Rome is the Vatican, which is the sovereign territory of the Holy See, and also the seat of the Catholic Church.

The historic center of Rome and the Vatican are on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

20 x 11.5 cm
Plurigraf, Narni - Terni, 1974.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: English.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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