Salate: prilog, jelo i desert

Salate: prilog, jelo i desert

Vesna Pavičić

This book was created based on the desire to gather in one place various recipes for salads that are known to have great significance for our diet.

They represent light, simple and quick food suitable for any occasion, a delicious dish that, with a little imagination, can be prepared from various ingredients of raw or cooked vegetables, meat, fish, pasta, eggs, cheese or other dairy products. Appetizers, salads as a side dish, salads as a main course, dessert salads, recipes for preparing sauces for traditional salads and dressings for dessert salads are a special unit in this unique book. An essential part of salads are certainly the spices that give them a distinctive taste, and the book describes the most important types used for its preparation. Bearing in mind all of the above, we should also point out that nowadays salads have become one of the basic meals of every person, and that with their freshness they improve and increase the quality of our diet every day.

Vitomir Patko
Željko Pavičić
20 x 15 cm
Gospodarski list d.d., Zagreb, 2004.
Distribution: 5,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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