Detective Stories
U tišini
At the same time creepy and tense, but also a warm story that you won't be able to let go of until you reach the end...
U vodu
This tense psychological thriller, which talks about the elusiveness of the truth and a family falling apart due to secrets, does not let go until the last line.
Uzrok smrti: Sedmi slučaj doktorice Kay Scarpetta
In the Croatian translation by Martina Gračanin, with illustrations by Nenad Martić, The Cause of Death of Patricia Cornwell is the seventh and so far the most exciting adventure of dr. Kay Scarpetta.
A summer evening in Amsterdam, two married couples meet in a fashionable restaurant. Between mouthfuls of food and the clatter of cutlery, the conversation stays within the bounds of pleasant politeness — the banality of work, the triviality of holidays.
Velikonožac: Slučaj Joe Attymara
Edgar Wallace was an English writer, journalist, playwright, screenwriter and director. He is considered one of the most successful crime-authors in the English-speaking world and the founder of the modern thriller, whose representative at the beginning o
Više od svega
Više od bilo čega drugog, istražuje mnoge suprotstavljene zahteve braka i majčinstva, i elokventno upozorava da nikada nije moguće istinski poznavati nekoga – posebno one koje volimo.
Vjesnikova pres agencija #282 - Sezona lova
The story is set in a small town in the northwest of the United States of America. The main character, Charlie Resnick, is a detective who faces dark secrets and crime in his environment.
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