Sabrana djela XI: Kuća na osami i druge pripovetke
The selection of short stories in this book consists of two parts. One consists of an independent collection of short stories "Kuća na osami", which Andrić worked on near the end of his life, and the second part is a collection of short stories written in
The selection contains short stories that, for various reasons, were not published in the author's collections, but remained scattered in magazines. These are the following short stories: "Uvod", "Bonvalpaša", "Alipaša", "Baron", "Geometar i Julka", "Cirkus", "Jakov, drug iz djetinjstva", "Priča", "Robinja", "Životi", "Ljubavi", "Zuja", "Popodne", "Pobednik", "Knez sa tužnim očima", "Iskušenje u ćeliji broj 38", "Zanos i stradanje Tome Galusa", "Na sunčanoj strani", "U ćeliji 115", "Sunce", "Ruđanski begovi", "Dva zapisa bosanskog pisara Dražeslava", "Dubrovačka vejavica", "Ranjenik u selu", "Poručnik Murat", "O starim i mladim Pamukovićima" i "Pekušići".
A copy is available as part of the book set "Ivo Andrić: Sabrana djela I-XVI"
Browse the set
1. Sabrana djela I: Na Drini ćuprija
A Bridge on the Drina is a novel by Ivo Andrić that was first published in 1945. The action takes place in Višegrad, a small Bosnian town, and the central motif is the bridge on the Drina, which is a symbol of culture, history and the destiny of the peopl

2. Sabrana djela II: Travnička hronika
"Travnička hronika" is a novel by Ivo Andrić, first published in 1945. This work belongs to the author's so-called Bosnian cycle and provides a broad picture of historical, cultural and political circumstances in Bosnia during the Ottoman and Austrian rul

3. Sabrana djela III: Gospođica
"Miss" is a novel by Ivo Andrić, originally published in 1945. The work belongs to the so-called Bosnian trilogy, together with the novels "On the Drina bridge" and "Travnička kronika".

4. Sabrana djela IV: Prokleta avlija
"Cursed courtyard" is one of Ivo Andrić's most famous works, originally published in 1954. This short but powerful work presents a deep analysis of human nature and destiny through the story of prisoners in an Ottoman dungeon known as the Cursed Court.

5. Sabrana djela V: Nemirna godina - pripovetke
"Nemirna godina" is a collection of short stories by Ivo Andrić, which includes a number of short stories written during various periods of his creativity.

6. Sabrana djela VI: Žeđ - pripovetke
"Žeđ" is a collection of short stories by Ivo Andrić that was first published in 1936. This collection represents one of the highlights of Andrić's narrative creativity.

7. Sabrana djela VII: Jelena, žena koje nema - pripovetke
It is a collection of short stories by Ivo Andrić, which was first published in 1963. This collection contains a number of short stories that explore existential themes, and the title story is one of the most famous in Andrić's oeuvre.

8. Sabrana djela VIII: Omerpaša Latas
Ivo Andrić's novel Omer Pasha Latas was written in 1954, and it is a historical and psychological narrative based on the life of a real historical figure, Omer Pasha Latas, who was an Ottoman military leader and statesman during the 19th century.

9. Sabrana djela IX: Znakovi - pripovetke
Diese Sammlung vereint eine Reihe von Andrićs kürzeren Werken, die sich mit menschlichen Schicksalen, historischen und sozialen Umständen sowie universellen Fragen der menschlichen Natur befassen.

10. Sabrana djela X: Deca - pripovetke
Diese Sammlung umfasst eine Reihe von Geschichten, die sich auf die Welt der Kinder, ihre Unschuld, Neugier, ihr Leiden und den Umgang mit den Grausamkeiten der Erwachsenenwelt konzentrieren.

11. Sabrana djela XI: Kuća na osami i druge pripovetke
Die Auswahl an Kurzgeschichten in diesem Buch besteht aus zwei Teilen. Einer besteht aus einer eigenständigen Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten „Kuća na osami“, an der Andrić gegen Ende seines Lebens arbeitete, und der zweite Teil ist eine Sammlung von Kurzges

12. Sabrana djela XII: Ex Ponto, Nemiri, lirika
Andrićs frühe Werke, Prosagedichte, poetische Notizen und Texte wurden in diesem Band veröffentlicht. Jeder dieser Titel hat ein bestimmtes Thema und einen bestimmten Stil, der Andrićs inneren Zustand und seine philosophischen Überlegungen widerspiegelt.

13. Sabrana djela XIII: Istorija i legenda: eseji, ogledi i članci
Ivo Andrić war nicht nur ein ausgezeichneter Romanautor, sondern auch ein talentierter Essayist und Essayist. Seine Sammlung „Geschichte und Legende“ vereint eine Reihe von Essays, Artikeln und Essays zu den Themen Geschichte, Kultur, Literatur und mensch

14. Sabrana djela XIV: Staze, lica, predeli
„Wege, Gesichter, Landschaften“ ist eine Sammlung von Essays und Schriften von Ivo Andrić, die erstmals 1963 veröffentlicht wurde. Dieses Werk unterscheidet sich von Andrićs Fiktion dadurch, dass es sich mit philosophischen, introspektiven und autobiograf

15. Sabrana djela XV: Umetnik i njegovo delo
„Umetnik i njegovo delo“ je zbirka eseja, ogleda i članaka Ive Andrića, u kojoj ovaj veliki pisac razmatra ključna pitanja umetnosti, stvaralačkog procesa i uloge umetnika u društvu.

16. Sabrana djela XVI: Znakovi pored puta
„Znakovi pored puta” nisu ispovest ili hronologija života, već fragmenti života i duhovne borbe. To je zbirka mudrosti koja je iz generacije u generaciju omiljeno štivo kome se čitaoci uvek rado vraćaju iznova.