Šeherezadini najljepši recepti iz 1001 noći
Turkish cuisine is one of the world's most beautiful gastronomic stories.
Just like Scheherazade's tales from 1001 Nights, oriental dishes, cakes and drinks are diverse, colorful, exciting and unusual. Let's mention just a few that have become famous all over the world: burek, sarma, kebab, pilaf, baklava, tufahije, sutlijaš, boza, Turkish coffee, yogurt... Turks love boiled or fresh vegetables in combination with lamb or chicken, the indispensable walnuts and pistachios in very sweet and juicy cakes. Yogurt is served with almost every dish as a drink, and is often an essential ingredient in the preparation of many dishes. For Turks, coffee is an indispensable part of the afternoon break, and during the day and evening they like to drink tea the most, which they prepare in a special, almost ritualistic way. Oriental dishes hint at the extremely rich history of the Middle East and Persia, centuries of trade, exchange of experiences and customs, tastes and habits. As you explore all these gastronomic treasures, close your eyes and, carried away by delicious flavors, imagine magical scenes from ancient tales and listen to the muffled sounds of saz, daira, defa, and rich oriental rhapsody.
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