IT u primjeni
Manager's guide to the application of information technology systems.
Izazovi menadžmenta u XXI. stoljeću
Management challenges in the XXI century. century is a book that strives to provide the reader with a current insight into today's entire business environment, into the ideas, skills and power that the job of managers and executives provides.
Izravni marketing
Direct marketing certainly represents one of the most dynamic areas of marketing, which has changed both techniques and tools of action during its development.
Japanci dolaze : uzajamno dejstvo multinacionalnog biznisa i politike
Javno privatna partnerstva
In Public-Private Partnerships, Policy Principles and Financing, E. R. Yescombe focuses on practical concepts, issues and techniques.
Kako do rezultata
The book "How to get results" provides a practical guide for achieving goals and improving personal and professional efficiency.
Kako je nastao novac. Priča koju svatko može i treba razumjeti
The book in front of you was written for one reason only. Its goal is to explain all the aspects, pitfalls and problems of money regulation and the financial system in the Republic of Croatia in a way that is as simple as possible and comprehensible to th
Kako je stroj zamijenio ruke
How Machines Replaced Hands (1968) by Peter Klemm examines the development of technology and industrialization, focusing on the impact of machines on human labor.
Kako napraviti plan marketinga : za vaše poduzeće, proizvode i usluge
Small and medium-sized entrepreneurs must plan in a way that is common and accepted in the business world, in order to stay on the market.
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