


John Naisbitt
Globus, 1985.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Menadžer na mafijaški način

Menadžer na mafijaški način

Veble Commerce, 2005.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.


Heinz Weihrich, Harold Koontz

Translation of the tenth American edition of the book, which has been enriched with many new information related to contemporary ideas, techniques and characteristics of management.

Mate d.o.o, 1994.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Menadžment: Teorija menadžmenta i veliko empirijsko istraživanje u Hrvatskoj

Menadžment: Teorija menadžmenta i veliko empirijsko istraživanje u Hrvatskoj

Pere Sikavica, Fikreta Bahtijarević-Šiber
Masmedia, 2004.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Moć i tržište, Država i gospodarstvo

Moć i tržište, Država i gospodarstvo

Murray N. Rothbard
Institut za javne financije, 2007.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Moralni kapitalizam: mirenje privatnog interesa s javnim dobrom

Moralni kapitalizam: mirenje privatnog interesa s javnim dobrom

Stephen Young

Knjiga se bavi razmatranjem mogućnosti pomirenja privatnih interesa i javnog dobra u zadanoj paradigmi globalne ekonomije i na tragu univerzalnih CRT načela društveno odgovornog poduzetništva.

CROMA, 2006.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Ne mari za male stvari… na poslu

Ne mari za male stvari… na poslu

Richard Carlson

The third book in the series, Don't Care About Small Things at Work, continues the successful series and offers a hundred new tips on how to reduce the level of stress, this time, related to the workplace.

Algoritam, 2001.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Ne posustani, ne odustani!

Ne posustani, ne odustani!

Sanela Dropulić
Expert product d.o.o., 2017.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Neprofitni autopoetski sustavi

Neprofitni autopoetski sustavi

Marija Ovsenik, Milan Ambrož

In the monograph, the leading author looks for new ways of organizing that will shape the possibilities of effective and successful satisfaction of common needs at the social level in the future.

Alinea, 1999.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Novac i plaćanja

Novac i plaćanja

Krešimir Vrsaljko
Narodne novine, 1973.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.