High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton
Hilandarski razgovor: 18 mojih savremenika
Historija seksualnosti
Morus's work "History of Sexuality" is one of the best and most widely read of this highly translated German author, who greatly contributed to the popularization of various areas related to sexuality with his works.
Historija tajne diplomacije 18. stoljeća
Marx's text "History of secret diplomacy of the 18th century" which is not found in the German and Russian editions of Marx's and Engels' collected works, and it is not in the Croatian or Serbian edition either.
History's Fools : The Pursuit of Idealism and the Revenge of Politics
A tale of Western liberal hubris and our failure to escape from history.
Hladni rat i Evropa -Hladni rat kao model međunarodnih odnosa, vojne strategije supersila
Hodaj divljom stranom
Growing up in a poor neighborhood of Dallas, shy and scared, with clipped ears, flattened nose, thin, constantly exposed to ridicule and insults, he had his American dream.
Hollywood vs. America: Popular Culture and the War on Traditional Values
Hronika izgubljenog grada
This is one of Kapor's most significant books: it tells of the pain and bitterness of loss. The Chronicle is, indeed, Kapor's testament book, in which he put, if not his "whole life", and that is his good piece.
Hrvatica, majka, katolkinja, nepušačica...
Daniela's columns are honest reading with a very open view of reality and a healthy self-irony that turns to small things in life and makes them - spectacles.
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