A practical book
Živjeti bez depresije: Kako povratiti snagu i entuzijazam na prirodan način
The book Living Without Depression by Claudio Aros provides practical advice and psychological tools for overcoming depression and building emotional resilience.
Živjeti dulje uz manje stresa : Kako uz pomoć terapije prihvaćanja i obvezivanja živjeti harmoničan život
"Living longer with less stress" is a unique book. It presents a completely new way of looking at stress - as a holistic interaction between a person and a possible stressor.
Živjeti s artritisom
This handbook will not only provide you with useful information but also the inspiration you need to overcome the limitations this disease imposes.
Živjeti s tuđim srcem: psihičke posljedice transplatacije organa
The book thoroughly presents and explains numerous questions that arise in donors and recipients before and after organ transplantation.
Život bez alkohola
Gustav Tobler in the book "Life without alcohol" explores the physical, psychological and social aspects of alcohol addiction and uses a practical approach to help people who want to stop drinking.
Život bez boli (nada milijuna ljudi)
This book talks primarily about how a natural way of treatment can help against almost all types of pain
Život je je*eno kratak: Kako dobiti od života ono što vi želite, bez gubljenja vremena, truda ili novca
Life's too f***ing short is not an ordinary manual for survival in the 21st century, but a working reminder to strengthen determination, motivation and female self-awareness.
Život kao igra
The manual in which the author, a professor of management, through a series of different mental models, created on the basis of his own experience in business and social life, offers answers to a series of questions that every businessman asks himself.
Život!: Promišljanja na vašem putu
Louise constantly reminds you that the magnificent, terrifying, wonderful, funny, astonishing phenomenon we experience between birth and death is what life is all about.
A practical book
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