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Masarykova 24
Titles in our offer
Međunarodna ekonomija: Teorija i ekonomska politika
The book comprehensively deals with international trade theory, foreign trade policy, exchange rates and open economy macroeconomics, providing a thorough insight into global economic relations.
Međunarodni standardi financijskog izvješćivanja: praktični vodič
This book provides a practical overview of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) with clear explanations and application examples.
Translation of the tenth American edition of the book, which has been enriched with many new information related to contemporary ideas, techniques and characteristics of management.
Menadžment komercijalnih banaka
The book Commercial Bank Management by Peter S. Rose provides a detailed insight into the operations, strategies and regulations of commercial banks, focusing on managerial challenges and financial decisions in modern banking.
Menadžment ljudskih potencijala
The book "Human Resource Management" by R. A. Noe, J. R. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, and P. M. Wright discusses in detail the management of human resources as a key component in achieving a competitive advantage in business.
Menadžment uredskog poslovanja (osmo izdanje)
The book "Office Business Management" by Zane K. Quible, in its eighth edition from 2010, provides a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of office business management.
Moderni menadžment (10. izdanje)
Modern Management (10th Edition) by Samuel C. Certo and S. Treviso Certo provides a thorough overview of contemporary managerial principles, techniques, and practices.
Načela ekonomske sociologije
A book that opens new horizons of thought by combining economics, sociology, cultural theory and politics.
Najbolji prezenter
Technique, style and strategy of America's most famous public speaking coach. Gaining an audience with a powerful performance.
Nova globalna pozornica
We live in a networked and interdependent world, united in a global economy that has weakened borders and cross-border alliances, which is the only way for companies to survive.