Mate d.o.o
Masarykova 24
Titles in our offer
Organizacijsko ponašanje
The twelfth edition of the textbook with an overview of organizational behavior explained at three levels: individually, in a group and in the entire organizational system.
Osnove korporativnih financija
The Fundamentals of Corporate Finance book explains the key financial concepts and tools needed to make business decisions, including capital management, investment appraisal, and risk analysis.
Osnove marketinga
"Marketing Fundamentals" (2006) by Philip Kotler, Veronica Wong, John Saunders, and Gary Armstrong is one of the most influential books on marketing.
Osnove prava
Lectures for economics students.
Osnove upravljačkog računovodstva
The basics of management accounting, published by Prentice Hall, is a concise, analytical and recognizable edition that introduces us to the key topics of successful business.
Poduzetništvo (sedmo izdanje)
This book provides a comprehensive overview of entrepreneurship, covering key concepts such as developing an entrepreneurial idea, business planning, financing, management, and business growth.
Ponašanje potrošača
"Consumer Behavior" by Leon G. Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kanuk is one of the most famous works in the field of consumer behavior.
Pravno okružje poslovanja
The book provides a comprehensive overview of the legal aspects of business, including contract law, commercial law, intellectual property law, competition and consumer protection, and the tax system of the Republic of Croatia.
The fifth edition of the textbook on negotiation, that is, on the controlled communication process, which aims to resolve the conflict of interests of the various negotiating parties.
Premještanje usluga
Exploiting the optimal overseas opportunity.