Natural Science
Kirurgija : Simptomi i klinički pregled
Klinička diferencijalna dijagnostika unutarnjih bolesti
This book deals with the diagnosis of internal diseases and is likely to be a valuable source of information for medical professionals.
Klinička kemija u dijagnostici i terapiji
The book was written with the intention of facilitating the collaboration of a physician with a biochemist and vice versa.
Klinička primjena PET/CT dijagnostike u onkologiji
Klinička pulmologija u pedijatriji
Klinički leksikon knjiga IV (znaci-simptomi-bolesti-sindromi)
"Clinical Lexicon" by Milorad D. Velisavljev is a comprehensive medical encyclopedia that covers a wide range of medical concepts, symptoms, diseases and syndromes.
Knjiga o zdravlju za cijelu obitelj
A practical manual that covers a wide range of topics related to health and disease prevention. The book was designed as a guide for everyday health care, suitable for all generations - from children to the elderly.
Koljeno / Primijenjena biomehanika
This book explores the biomechanics of the knee joint and includes topics such as the role of the meniscus in the biomechanics of the knee and x-ray diagnostics of the biomechanical relationships of the knee.
Komet dolazi
The immediate reason for the creation of Calderon's book is the expected arrival of Halley's comet. In addition to the extremely interesting text, this book includes an abundance of first-class photographs, illustrations, and a bibliography.
Natural Science
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