The white meat category is made up of young cattle, poultry, young sheep and goats, rabbits and pigs. Color photo with each recipe.
Due to the variety and typology of meat that is included in the category of white meat and the different types of preparation that can be used in the kitchen, the recipes in this book can be used to create the most diverse menus.
From the content: Veal Poultry Rabbit Lamb and kid Pork
Original title
L'enciclopedia della cucina italiana
Andrea Elli, Ivana Galić Laslavić
Ado Mascheroni, Laura Cavalieri, Maristella Mussini
You will find all the information about Italian foods that you wanted while cooking according to the recipes from the Traditional Cookbook in the Traditional Cookbook 2.
The fast-paced modern way of life leaves us less and less time to set aside for ourselves and our spiritual development. For all those who still think that some human qualities should be cultivated and nurtured, that spiritual development is more importan