Psychotherapy and self-help
Živjeti s tuđim srcem: psihičke posljedice transplatacije organa
The book thoroughly presents and explains numerous questions that arise in donors and recipients before and after organ transplantation.
Život bez alkohola
Gustav Tobler in the book "Life without alcohol" explores the physical, psychological and social aspects of alcohol addiction and uses a practical approach to help people who want to stop drinking.
Život je je*eno kratak: Kako dobiti od života ono što vi želite, bez gubljenja vremena, truda ili novca
Life's too f***ing short is not an ordinary manual for survival in the 21st century, but a working reminder to strengthen determination, motivation and female self-awareness.
Život!: Promišljanja na vašem putu
Louise constantly reminds you that the magnificent, terrifying, wonderful, funny, astonishing phenomenon we experience between birth and death is what life is all about.
Život s različitima: Koliko se međusobno poznajemo i razumijemo?
In "Tkanjem života" she has woven a manual for self-help incomparable with primitive self-help literature of the type "how to accumulate millions without effort". With the new book 'Life with differences', he again brings nobility, painful honesty and mod
Život u zoni: jedina knjiga koja vam je potrebna za dobro zdravlje i savršen izgled!
A practical book
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