Healthy eating

Pelagićev narodni učitelj

Pelagićev narodni učitelj

Vasa Pelagić

Pelagić was a great advocate of a healthy life, and he believed that it is the duty of every person to be healthy. In this famous work of his, he published advice on natural healing, on healthy living, as well as other lessons on mental and physical healt

Sloboda, 1970.
Serbian. Cyrillic alphabet. Hardcover.
Prehrana i ljudsko zdravlje

Prehrana i ljudsko zdravlje

Ivica Balen

Balen, a specialist in internal medicine and subspecialist in gastroenterology, describes in detail how different types of food affect our body and health.

Posavska Hrvatska, 2005.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Prirodno i slatko

Prirodno i slatko

Jadranka Boban Pejić

Lots of recipes, but also tips and "little secrets", from the simplest recipes ready in the blink of an eye, to sumptuous delicacies for special occasions.

Biovega, 1996.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Prirodno liječenje sokovima od povrća

Prirodno liječenje sokovima od povrća

S. K. Vanjkević

Learn more about vegetable juice therapy. Which vegetables are medicinal and nutritious? How to use vegetable juices as medicine? How to clean the body with the help of vegetables? How to combine juices?

Begen d.o.o., 2012.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Protiv raka vitaminima i dodacima prehrani: vodič za prevenciju i liječenje

Protiv raka vitaminima i dodacima prehrani: vodič za prevenciju i liječenje

Kedar N. Prasad, K. Che Prasad

The book contains a concise overview of mainstream opinions about the relationship between certain nutrients and cancer, and the possible role of dietary supplements, supplements, in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

CID-NOVA, 2004.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
QuitFAT: Vaš vodič do zdravog i lakog gubitka masnoće i težine

QuitFAT: Vaš vodič do zdravog i lakog gubitka masnoće i težine

Adam Roberts

How to eat everything and still lose weight? This diet plan will explain how to lose weight without starving yourself!

Spletno nakupovanje d.o.o., 2016.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Ribe i plodovi mora, Egzotična i hranjiva jela što ih možete pripremiti za nekoliko minuta

Ribe i plodovi mora, Egzotična i hranjiva jela što ih možete pripremiti za nekoliko minuta

Famous and favorite dishes from all over the world, excellent recipes for barbecues, festive meals and every day.

Veble Commerce, 2001.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Snage sirove hrane : sve o energiji i hranjivim tvarima koje sadržava sirova hrana i činjenice o kombiniranju namirnica

Snage sirove hrane : sve o energiji i hranjivim tvarima koje sadržava sirova hrana i činjenice o kombiniranju namirnica

Leslie Kenton

A manual with the help of which it is possible to apply the way of eating and, with the help of the strength and energy contained in raw food, as the author calls it "raw energy", not only to lose weight but also to improve the health, appearance and gene

Mozaik knjiga, 2016.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Superhrana: proklijalo semenje, zeleni izdanci, presno povrće, voće i voćni sokovi

Superhrana: proklijalo semenje, zeleni izdanci, presno povrće, voće i voćni sokovi

Milica Šibalić

The book deals with the concept of superfood and its importance for health. Through the book, the author explains how nutrient-rich raw food can improve physical and mental health, increase energy and help prevent disease.

Vlastita naklada, 1988.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Suplementi u prehrani i športu : dodaci koji život znače

Suplementi u prehrani i športu : dodaci koji život znače

Ignac Kulier
Impress, 2000.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.