
The Pilot's Wife

The Pilot's Wife

Anita Shreve

"The Pilot's Wife" (1998) by Anita Shreve is a novel that explores betrayal, identity, and the emotional consequences of loss.

Little, Brown and Company, 1998.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
The Pirate

The Pirate

Harold Robbins

Unaware of his true heritage, a man who was raised by a wealthy Arab family learns that power and fortune are not the only reasons for living

Pocket Books, 1975.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
The Playboy

The Playboy

Carly Phillips
Warner Books, 2003.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
The Power Of Vasilii

The Power Of Vasilii

Penny Jordan
Mills & Boon Limited, 2011.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
The President's Mistress

The President's Mistress

Patrick Anderson

Narativ se odvija u pozadini Vašingtona, zadubljujući se u zamršenu oblast unutrašnje politike u glavnom gradu nacije. Usredsređena na tragičnu smrt predsednikove ljubavnice, priča prati potragu njenog bivšeg ljubavnika za istinom i pravdom.

Magnum Books, 1977.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
The Rancher Returns / The Black Sheep's Secret Child

The Rancher Returns / The Black Sheep's Secret Child

Brenda Jackson, Cat Schield
Mills & Boon Limited, 2016.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
The Red and the Black

The Red and the Black

Marie-Henry Beyle Stendhal

Roman govori o društvenom usponu siromašnog mladića Žilijena Sorela u konzervativnom, kontrarevolucionarnom i autoritarnom režimu u doba ponovnog uspostavljanja monarhije posle pada Napoleona i povratka dinastije Burbona na vlast.

Penguin Books Ltd, 2002.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
The Red Pony

The Red Pony

John Steinbeck
Bantam books, 1963.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Therese Raquin

Therese Raquin

Émile Zola

Roman Tereza ​​Rakin, napisan 1867. godine, prvi je književni uspeh francuskog autora Emila Zole i ujedno prvi naturalistički roman.

Logos, 1985.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
The Reversal

The Reversal

Michael Connelly

Longtime defense attorney Mickey Haller finds himself recruited to change stripes and prosecute the high-profile retrial of a brutal child murder.

Orion Publishing Group Ltd., 2010.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.