The Pilot's Wife
"The Pilot's Vife" (1998) Anite Šrv je roman koji istražuje izdaju, identitet i emocionalne posledice gubitka.
The Pirate
Nesvestan svog pravog nasleđa, čovek odgajan u bogatoj arapskoj porodici saznaje da moć i bogatstvo nisu jedini razlozi za život
The President's Mistress
Narativ se odvija u pozadini Washington DC-a, zadirući u zamršeno područje unutarnje politike unutar glavnog grada nacije. Usredotočena na tragičnu smrt predsjednikove ljubavnice, priča prati potragu njezina bivšeg ljubavnika za istinom i pravdom.
The Rancher Returns / The Black Sheep's Secret Child
The Red and the Black
The novel tells the story of the social rise of a poor young man, Julien Sorel, in a conservative, counter-revolutionary, and authoritarian regime during the era of the restoration of the monarchy after the fall of Napoleon and the return of the Bourbon d
Therese Raquin
The novel Thérèse Raquin, written in 1867, is the first literary success of the French author Émile Zola and also the first naturalistic novel.
The Reversal
Longtime defense attorney Mickey Haller finds himself recruited to change stripes and prosecute the high-profile retrial of a brutal child murder.
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