Historical novel
Divljačar ili Prvi ratni pohod
Written during a nostalgic interval during Cooper's stormy battles with the Whig Press, The Deerslayer (1841) is the last of the world-famous Leatherstocking Tales in point of composition, though first in the biographical sequence.
Dragulj u kruni
Falconhurst Fancy
Latest and perhaps greatest novel in the world bestselling saga of Falconhurst, the Deep South plantation shere slaves were bred like animals...
Gigi and Selected Writings
The full scope of Colette's remarkable genius is vividly displayed in these selections from a half century of literary creation.
Gorak okus duše
The novel The bitter taste of the soul by Raul Mitrovich, pseudonym Feđa Šehović, was published in 1983. The work belongs to the type of Croatian new historical novel, where the historical context is present, but is not at the center of the writer's inter
Gospodin Tadija ili posljednji nasrt u Litvi
Grad ruleta
Romanced biography of Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky
Grička vještica III : Malleus maleficarum
Grička vještica II : Kontesa Nera
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