Historical novel
Pa makar nam život uzeli
Piratske širine
The manuscript of Pirate's Latitudes was found in Michael Crichton's computer after the writer's death. In it, this master of high-tech thrillers reveals himself posthumously as an equally skilled author of historical adventures.
Plameni inkvizitori
In Flaming inquisitors, three different love couples are shown "each of whom will have his own audience with his own love and his own idea". The novel is based on historical sources about the reign of King Stephen VI. and his son Ladislav IV. Kumana.
Plameni inkvizitori 1-2
The second part of Zagorka's cycle "The Grech Witch". In The Flaming Inquisitors, she combines fiction and historical facts, exploring the reign of Emperor Joseph II, the fight against superstition and religious intolerance, as well as the position of wom
Poslednji dani Pompeja
Princeza Daisy
Princess Daisy is a novel about the fate of Marguerite Valensky, daughter of Russian Prince Stash Valensky and American film star Francesca Vernon. The novel manages to reconcile the spirit of former Europe and its nobles with modern values.
Prkosna nasljednica
The author weaves a love story based on the events of the fight for the right to vote in 1867, in which only part of the male population of Britain received the right to vote.
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