Menadžment: Teorija menadžmenta i veliko empirijsko istraživanje u Hrvatskoj
Moralni kapitalizam: mirenje privatnog interesa s javnim dobrom
Knjiga se bavi razmatranjem mogućnosti pomirenja privatnih interesa i javnog dobra u zadanoj paradigmi globalne ekonomije i na tragu univerzalnih CRT načela društveno odgovornog poduzetništva.
Organizacija i vođenje poslova marketinga u organizaciji udruženog rada
Organizacijsko ponašanje
The twelfth edition of the textbook with an overview of organizational behavior explained at three levels: individually, in a group and in the entire organizational system.
Poduzeće - Postanak i razvoj poduzetništva i poduzeća
The book deals with various topics related to entrepreneurship and company organization.
Primijenjena matematika za poslovanje, ekonomiju, znanosti o živom svijetu i humanističke znanosti
This book provides an excellent introduction to all mathematical disciplines that are applied in the social sciences, especially economics, but also in the natural sciences.
Problemi u sistemu organizacije društvenog rada
This book stands out for its content, the way the material is processed, the clarity of the presentation of the point of view and the logical consideration of the topics.
Računovodstvo: Temelj poslovnog odlučivanja
The world-renowned textbook, simply called Accounting, was conceived and written to introduce students and businessmen to the world of accounting, which is one of the main languages of business today.
Reinženjering tvrtke
A business classic and international bestseller of the nineties, updated for the new century.
Sportski menadžment
The best insight into the future of professional sports.
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