Tovari peska
Anna Langfus's novel "Sand Loaders" explores human destiny and trauma through the story of a war veteran.
Tračerica 5: Meni se sviđa tako
Spring has arrived, and love and restlessness are in the air. Blair and Serena are inseparable again and get along better than ever.
Tračerica 6: Tebe želim
"Gossip Girl" is a series of novels (Gossip Girl, You know that you love me, I want everything and Because I deserve it...) but also a television series of the same name advertised as a kind of younger sister of Sex and the City.
Tračerica 7: Nitko to ne radi bolje
"Gossip Girl" is a series of novels (Gossip Girl, You know that you love me, I want everything and Because I deserve it...) but also a television series of the same name advertised as a kind of younger sister of Sex and the City.
Tradicija, jezik, pripovijedanje
Traganje za korijenima: osobna antologija
Es ist vor allem ein Buch zum Lesen, eine schöne und angenehme Lektüre (Anthologien sind, wenn sie gut gemacht sind, nicht nur nützliche, sondern auch angenehme Bücher); Dann geht es, wie gesagt, auch um ein Selbstporträt, darum, sich selbst bloßzustellen
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