Tovari peska
Anna Langfus‘ Roman „Sand Loaders“ erforscht das menschliche Schicksal und Trauma anhand der Geschichte eines Kriegsveteranen.
Tračerica 5: Meni se sviđa tako
Spring has arrived, and love and restlessness are in the air. Blair and Serena are inseparable again and get along better than ever.
Tračerica 6: Tebe želim
"Gossip Girl" is a series of novels (Gossip Girl, You know that you love me, I want everything and Because I deserve it...) but also a television series of the same name advertised as a kind of younger sister of Sex and the City.
Tračerica 7: Nitko to ne radi bolje
"Gossip Girl" is a series of novels (Gossip Girl, You know that you love me, I want everything and Because I deserve it...) but also a television series of the same name advertised as a kind of younger sister of Sex and the City.
Tradicija, jezik, pripovijedanje
Theoretical and historical overview of contemporary Hungarian prose literature from the second third of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century.
Traganje za korijenima: osobna antologija
Es ist vor allem ein Buch zum Lesen, eine schöne und angenehme Lektüre (Anthologien sind, wenn sie gut gemacht sind, nicht nur nützliche, sondern auch angenehme Bücher); Dann geht es, wie gesagt, auch um ein Selbstporträt, darum, sich selbst bloßzustellen
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